Having spent many years earning your stripes and qualifications in Practice, you may be wondering where your career lies after here.
If you have qualified in any of the below areas we can advise you on the best potential routes for you in the world of Industry & Commerce:
- Audit & Assurance
- Corporate Finance or Transaction Services
- Taxation
- Data Analytics/Business Intelligence
Josh Stirrett, Mark Thomas and Daniel Witterick have a combined 50 years experience in supporting qualified ICAEW and ACCA accountants on this journey out of the Big 4 or Top 10 firms. Your long term career goals start being shaped very early on post qualification and we can support and guide you around 1st roles and CV writing to attract your target audience. We partner with many Private Equity companies, Blue Chip PLC's and regional mid-sized companies looking for talented people just like you.
Get in touch on info@resourcerygroup.com for more information on a confidential basis.
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