It is a candidate short market in Accountancy & Finance and the trend is expecting to continue for the foreseeable.
No two ways about it, there hasn’t been enough qualified ACA’s coming through the pipeline in the past 5 years to meet client demands for a Newly Qualified candidate at present.
Are you recruiting in a challenging location with a low population of accountants and want people to physically work in the office most of the week? You need to rethink your strategy on flexibility around Working from Home.
Are you sitting on a short list of candidates for days at a time when your competitors aren’t? Not only will you lose hard sourced talent, but it can generate bad brand reputation.
Internal recruitment teams too busy that you are being delayed in achieving your team hiring goals? Don’t allow internal teams to ring fence ‘no line contact’ if this is the case.
Fixed Term Contract options only? Interims are heading elsewhere for a day rate option whether it is an Inside or Outside IR35 assignment. Be aware that the volume of contractors available has dropped off with people accepting permanent roles during the pandemic.
Recruitment processes too protracted? Your candidate has just accepted another role elsewhere that had a more agile hiring process.
Looking for someone who has got 10/10 boxes ticked before you agree to meet them? You might be waiting some time!
Adapt and you will reap the rewards whilst others are left behind in the war for talent. Look for reasons to say “yes” not “no”. If someone has done everything on your job description before, why would they want to do 100% the same again in their next move? See the person with the potential and right attitude. Take action to change your way of thinking as a business and steal a march on your competitors. Make sure that you sell the opportunity to the candidate as they are interviewing you just as much as the other way around.