
The CFO and Finance Director Agenda
As a Chief Financial Officer or Finance Director you will have many objectives to deliver upon, all with varying degrees of priority. Your position carries heavy responsibilities; how and when you achieve them can make the difference between success and failure in your role.
Top of the list are likely to be:
• Setting strategic plans and delivering the Board agenda
• Investor relations
• Ensuring that all of the company's financial practices are in line in statutory regulations and legislation
• Interpreting complex financial information and providing updates and information as needed
• Managing relationships with banks and funders
• Monitoring cash flow and capital requirements
• Budget setting and monitoring
• Managing the Accounting & Finance team to deliver management reporting, financial reporting and providing the business with financial insight
Resourcery Group explains how they work in tandem with Finance Director’s and CFO’s in tackling their pressing business objectives.
Resourcery Group typically support CFO/Finance Directors in 4 key areas:
1. Staff Management & Workload Management
2. Governance, Risk/Regulatory Compliance
3. Cost Control & Cash Management
4. Systems & Processes
Area 1; the staffing agenda is probably the first thing that you would think of using a recruitment agency for where you have a headcount hire. In addition to this, Resourcery Group have also collaborated with many clients to bring on board Interim support for assignments where you may have considered reaching out to an audit firm, consulting or contract firm for loan staff. Are you getting ready for a Sale process or IPO? Do you have organisational redesign considerations perhaps post-acquisition or merger? This can lead to increased project workload that the BAU team have not got the capacity to take on. Our national network of experts can work either hand in hand alongside your core team or to lead in an independent approach to delivery.
Area 2; in the ever-evolving world of governance, risk and control Resourcery Group have worked hand in hand with clients of all sizes to bring a quick solution to the table. Have you received management letter comments from the auditors on Internal Control weaknesses, SOX deficiencies etc? We have worked with many business leaders to either identify and/or deliver a programme of change to apply enhancements in this field. Whether you need to implement the latest IFRS changes or making tax digital we have experts on our bench ready to go.
Area 3; who is not focused on cost control and cash management?! Businesses were quick to pick the low hanging fruit in this area in the early phases of COVID-19. Would you benefit from an independent review of cost control from an industry expert in your business sector? An interim contractor like this more than pays for themselves by generating bottom line savings and can bring fresh ideas to the table.
Area 4; management tools and ERP systems – there is a plethora of them out there, but which are best for your business? Data analytics and Business Intelligence provide great insight into the real time world of business and can enhance your competitive advantage in the marketplace. We supply contractors to who do this as their day job and will represent ‘client side’ ensuring that vendors deliver the solution you need not just to maximise their sales invoice. Getting the data ready for the migration, sorting out the chart of accounts and coding structures – no problem. Developing bespoke dashboard reports or models – also no problem. Taking on a project of this magnitude should not be taken lightly as the cost of reparation for a botched implementation is not cheap never mind the overall business interruption.
Resourcery Group have flexible talent solutions to enable you to deliver your business goals and objectives. Working with time served consultants who understand business and strategy, we have our finger on the pulse with up-to-date market knowledge and can consult on the appropriate resolution to your business challenges. By having a confidential conversation with us, we can showcase what we have delivered for other clients from approach to delivery.