How are you doing with working from home or being furloughed and being at home full time? COVID-19 has been an awful situation and as a country we have had to adapt to it quickly.
So many people have longed to be able to have the flexibility of being able to do working from home but is the reality the same as you hoped it would be? Clearly none of us wanted it to be under these circumstances that is for certain. However, now that we have had first hand experience of being at home 7 days per week is this going to change the way that you and your employers view the traditional work place environment going forwards perhaps? The grind of a massive commute, could it be a thing of the past? Do you really need to be sat next to each other to manage a team effectively? International travel for a meeting that could be done over Zoom or MS Teams? The landscape is evolving as are people’s mindsets on the topic.
If you have been furloughed, how have you been coping and keeping yourself occupied if you have led a routine based work life prior to COVID-19?
The Resourcery Group team have been busy trying to keep sane during this period of lock down too.
Allison – indoor rowing, cycling, walking, playing home school teacher (and referee) to an 11 and 13 year old
Josh – running, painting, playing superheroes, walking, reading, and spending time with his baby
Mark – trampolining, entertaining high energy twins, baking plus arts and crafts
Louise – gardening, Zooming friends, yoga and enjoying socially distanced nature walks locally with the family
Now that you have got a taste for doing more with your free time, will you value this time still moving forwards and find ways to maintain a balance between work and leisure time once this awful situation is over? Let us all encourage employers to engage health initiatives such as #fitnessfriday for their employees. Healthy bodies, healthy minds, improved wellness could lead to better productivity after all. The idea of being sat down at a desk for 8 hours a day in an office plus a long commute needs to be a thing of the past.