
Resourcery Group would like to say a BIG thank you to those of you have supported us in the past year since our launch. Being able to celebrate a 1 year anniversary is a huge milestone for any start up business given the statistics on the number of those that fail within that period. When we took the leap of faith moving from corporate recruiter world to setting up and owning our boutique Accounting & Finance and Change & Transformation agency, you do wonder whether candidates and clients will follow you. The resounding answer has been “yes” they have! Not only have the people that have known us from previous dealings but people that are new to working with us too.
Some of the feedback we have received has gone along the lines of:
· I wanted to work with someone who could consult with me on what the role/team structure should look like and understood the goals of our business.
· Advertising didn’t work for me either directly or through a campaign via another agency, thank you for reaching out to your ‘hidden’ network i.e. those people you know within your circle and are not actively trawling the job boards.
· Honesty, I was pleased that you told me what I was looking for didn’t exist so that I didn’t have come to that conclusion myself a month later after everyone has been trying to find that unicorn for me.
· Thank you for being proactive in making an introduction to clients out there that my background is good for, not just what is active in your portfolio now.
· The CV advice that you gave me was what helped me land my next job. Whether it was Resourcery or someone else that had the ideal opportunity at that point in time still gets remembered in years to come.
We couldn’t have done it without you giving us the opportunity - THANK YOU! So, here’s to the next 12 months and continued success of Resourcery Group. We look forward to working with you again in the near future
Allison Hodgkinson & Josh Stirrett
Directors & Co-Founders
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Redefining Recruitment